I'm so excited and honored to be apart of this ground breaking book series!
The Little Crab Finds a Friend Synopsis: Let's face it, leaving home for the unknown is scary. It's scary if you're six and facing the first day of school or if you're thirty six and facing the first day at a new job. Leaving home for the first time is also scary if you're a Little Crab who has never ventured far from his Dear Mom's side which is where we begin our story. The Little Crab lives alone with his Dear Mom in a sunken submarine. Dear Mom home schools her Little Crab and teaches him all she knows while showering him with love each day. Who would want to leave such a nurturing habitat? Not the Little Crab, never. He refuses. Yet, we often don't have a say when life decides to shift and change. When Dear Mom falls ill the Little Crab ventures out of the submarine to help but is swept up in a freight boat's net and taken far, far away from all he has ever known. Determined to get home, he soon learns that he cannot make it in this world all on his own.
The Little Crab Finds a Friend is a series of 12 books chronicling the Little Crab's encounter with twelve very different friends on his journey home. Each friend is characterized by one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Using this familiar archetype of astrology or birthdays, the Little Crab interacts with twelve very different personalities learning a valuable lesson from each one.
Then we share with parents extra insight for consciously parenting and nurturing your little ones with the help of Astrology and without having to venture far at all.
The Family
Astro Parent Guide - Dominique Jaramillo
Author - David Bensimon
Illustrator - Angelica Gau
The Little Crab and Dear Mom
Check out the website and follow our Facebook page to learn more join the family!
My answer to how knowing astrology changed the way I parent and how I believe The Little Crab Finds a Friend will be a ground-breaking creative vehicle for sharing the benefits of astrology for parenting!
The Friends
Aries - Ewe
Gemini - Twin Squirrels
Taurus - Bull
The Adventures
The Lessons
Aries: Ram (Ewe) Value: Bravery Lesson: Bravery comes in many forms. Aries: The Aries Ram represents the value of having a child-like wonder and exuberance for life and the fun that comes from exploring it with courage and drive. Lesson: Bravery Bravery is when you have the courage to keep going even when you are scared or uncertain of the outcome. The Little Crab reveals that courage comes in all shapes and sizes and we each take action in our own unique way.
Taurus: (Bull) Value: Sharing Lesson: Physical things cannot replace a loving connection between two people. Taurus: The Taurus Bull represents the value of a slower pace and how we show value through all of the beautiful things we can make and own. Lesson: Sharing Sharing is when you decide that others can also benefit from something you have and you let them have a turn or even give it away. The Little Crab reveals that our greatest gifts are our special skills and talents on the inside rather than the things we can possess on the outside.
Gemini: (Flying Squirrel Twins) Value: Focus & Community. Lesson: It's important to have people to call on. And with such a desire to learn, it's important to be able to be still sometimes too and allow time for others to talk so new information can come. This supports focus, inner peace and authentic connection. And everyone needs a quiet sanctuary. Gemini: The Gemini Twins represent the desire to learn, teach and share information. Lesson: Listening Listening to others is a way we can obtain knowledge to advance our understanding about ourselves and the world. The Little Crab reveals the value of silence and how paying attention to our words can really help us focus and learn better.
Cancer: (Old Wise Crab) Value: Home is happiness. A home can be made wherever you are happy. Lesson: Home is where your heart is. Trust yourself to guide you. Cancer: The Cancer Crab represents the value of self-care, self-trust and the need to be kind and compassionate with others. Lesson: Compassion Compassion is when you care as much about others as you do about yourself. And the Little Crab reveals the importance of both self-protection and the nurturing of others in need.
Leo: (Lost Lioness) Value: Pride in yourself, learning to have fun. Lesson: Being okay with being different. Discovering your own unique self-expression. Standing out in a group. Leo: The Leo Lion represents the value of creative self expression and the celebration of life. Lesson: Pride Pride is being happy with who you are and expressing yourself truthfully in front of others who are different. The Little Crab reveals how much more fun it is to just be yourself, rather than trying to fit into the group.
Virgo: (Dutiful Little Farm Boy) Value: Mind/Body health. The importance of daily duties and helping/serving others. Lesson: Taking care of others and the responsibilities of daily life is important, however play, dreaming and fun are also just as important for living fully. Virgo: The Virgo Farm Boy represents the value of taking care of the daily responsibilities to keep ourselves healthy and helping others to do the same through service. Lesson: Service Service is the act of helping others through knowledge, skill and work to improve life. The Little Crab reveals how healing it can be for everyone to put the needs of others before our own.
Libra: (Confused Judge) Value: Fairness, kindness and consideration for others. Lesson: The importance of Choice. All choices come with consequences. Libra: The Libra Judge represents the value of fairness, cooperation, debate and kind consideration before making choices. Lesson: Balance Balance is reached when decisions are made based on careful thought and with a desire to be good and fair. The Little Crab finds himself in a situation that reveals the benefit of people working together to come to a creative agreement that serves the greater good, rather than teetering endlessly back and forth comparing what is better.
Scorpio: (Secretive Scorpion) Value: Strong Will & Determination are important, but life is not all black and white. And complete control is not always possible. Lesson: Growth and change can be very powerful, frightening and exciting. Nothing last forever, and endings are hard. It's okay to show emotion, be scared or be out of control sometimes. Scorpio: The Secretive Scorpion represents the value of partnership trust, determination, emotional vulnerability and commitment. Lesson: Trust Trust is built by doing what is expected or agreed upon in a relationship. The Little Crab's connection with the Scorpion reveals that true friendship evolves when we open our hearts at risk of being hurt or even losing what we love.
Sagittarius: (Wandering Archer) Value: Faith in yourself and staying true to your beliefs. Lesson: You can always find your way if you stay positive, remember the larger plan, and never give up. Sagittarius: The Sagittarius Lumberjacks represent the value of personal faith and honoring the journey toward individual truth. Lesson: Truth Truth is proven or verified information that supports the way you live your life. The Litte Crab reveals the importance of respecting the beliefs of others while honoring your own and having the spirit to explore and discover more.
Capricorn: (Stern Sea Goat) Value: Hard work, learn to take criticism. Use it to make you better. Lesson: Success comes with hard work, being able to navigate challenges or conflicts that arise and staying open to other ways to achieve your ultimate purpose or goal Capricorn: The Capricorn Sea goat represents the value of hard work, discipline and the endurance it takes to achieve goals. Lesson: Rules Rules are the guidelines designed to help us navigate life with more success. The Little Crab reveals the importance of both learning from the older and wiser, while also staying flexible to think outside the box.
Aquarius: (Radical Rastafarian) Value: Friendship & Group Efforts Lesson: We can achieve our future dreams with innovative ideas, but sudden changes can change the course of how we get there in an instant. Aquarius: The Aquarius Oceanographer represents the value of gathering groups of likeminded friends with similar missions to defend and support the rights of all living things to be unique and have free will. Lesson: Freedom Freedom is the ability to be and do as you wish. The Little Crab's encounter reveals how we all must come together to save, preserve and advance our world so we each can remain free.
Pisces: (Fantastic Fish) Value: Importance and healing powers of the imagination Lesson: We are all connected in our hearts and spirits always, no matter where we may be. There is no such thing as being alone. Pisces: The Pisces Fantastic Fish represents the beautiful ability to contain all of the different sign elements and escape beyond fantasy into a reality of oneness that creates a wonderful world that feels good and embraces unconditional love for all. Lesson: Oneness Oneness is the unity of all things. And although the Little Crab fully enjoys the fantasy reunion with all of his friends, he realizes that he cannot live there in this unreal place and must escape to create a real Self-loving life.
Conscious Parenting With Astrology
Understanding our unique approach to life through the lens of Astrology reveals that we are each a unique design of the entire Zodiac. We each contain all of the wonderful qualities and characteristics of each sign, creating our own special way of navigating life. And we each struggle in different ways to reach the same goals; security, fulfillment, love, joy and connection. Guiding children with this intention and teaching them compassion and acceptance for both themselves and others can support their journey and enrich the bond between you and your own Little Crab.
Jump over to my Astrology for Parenting page to learn more!