![]() Where are you at on your parenting journey? Just getting started? Early years? On advanced higher level challenges or do you feel like it's game over? Regardless, I see astrology as a sweet way to gain XP (extra power) for continuing to meet challenges and successfully reach next levels in our parenting game. This week my family will be celebrating my son’s 10th Birthday! He’s totally obsessed with the video game Fortnite these days, as so many kids are, so we have decided on a gaming "Level Up" theme for his party. And this got me thinking about where we are on the parenting journey from the perspective of video gaming. I was an astrologer before I had my son, so I’ve been aware of his Natal Chart from the moment he arrived. And I’ve been observing him and working with the knowledge of Astrology in my back pocket for the last decade. I can honestly say it has afforded me much personal growth and on many days even saved me from myself and kept me going. It has directly helped me way more than my son I’m sure. But to me that's kind of the point of parenting, learning to be better so we can do better. Now I've been fortunate that my son is a pretty even tempered child. He has his moments for sure, as they all do, but for the most part the frustrations came through my own inner battles and triggers along the way. And with each instance I was able to learn, evolve and level up my parenting game. I made it a daily practice to pay attention and observe his personality emerge, while consciously nurturing him in the way best suited for him, even if it was challenging or uncomfortable for me at times. It was in those uncomfortable moments I learned the most, about both of us, and was able to improve. Now I’m really starting to see some of the rewards and fruits of our labor, and pretty proud of who he’s become so far and the relationship we’ve built. But with the understanding of how key the first years are for a child’s development, and laying the foundation for the rest of their lives, I kind of wonder if it’s also ‘game over’ in some respects. I know he has A LOT to still to grow through, experience and life to live. And I know he will always be our baby and need us to various degrees. But I also recognize we are past those foundation forming years and there is nothing I can do now to change the past. So I guess I have to have faith we did our best, ‘level up’ again from here, and keep going. I imagine the true test of my efforts will come in the teen years. We shall see... But I do feel assured now that I did all I could to navigate within my own personal nature to be my best, worked compassionately with my husband to be the best examples we could be for him, and provided the best environment possible to nurture his unique nature. And I am so grateful for Astrology and this unconventional approach I’ve chosen to take to my life. It seems to have paid off so far and continues to keep me growing and learning, which I love. So this Birthday feels like a sort of rite of passage and celebration for all of us. My heart is full. I feel so blessed and confident we've played the game well to this point, and have raise a kind, compassionate, smart, resilient, and awesome kid. And also built trusted, secure, loving bonds that can never be broken. I encourage anyone curious or interested in Astrology for Parenting to explore it. If you are reading this you likely already are. And if not, it’s never too early or late in my opinion. Astrology can be as much of a healing tool as it can be a guide, if not more. And we can create better connections and relationships with ourselves, our loved ones and our kids at any time. My son’s Pisces energy lights up the highest part of my chart and the areas of life philosophy, higher learning, teaching and my work in the world. From the beginning he has certainly taught me and my husband so much, inspired many shifts of awareness and changed the direction of my work to Astrology for Parenting. So it’s not surprising that as I reflect on his coming Solar Return, how we’ve grown up together over the last 10 years, and where we are now, that I was inspired to write this personal share through the lens of astrology. And in this modern age of online gaming and with the surge in popularity of astrology, I see the use of this unique language as a progressive way to help other parents level up their game too. So if you're in, Let's Play! Check the list below and what planet you can start to explore now to level up your parenting. And then let's team up if you want to learn more. Ages 0-7: the Moon. Children are still absorbing their environment and modeling behavior based on observation during these years. And through understanding and nurturing their Moon, by sign, ruler, house and aspects, you can know what they need to feel safest to explore, learn and express their most authentic selves. There is A LOT that happens during this time. However, if you can master only one thing, let it be the Moon. Ages 7-14: Mercury. This is where they will gain more skills and abilities to reason, process, integrate and communicate information so they can learn more from others and the world around them. Through understanding their Mercury by sign, ruler, house and aspects you can more efficiently relate and support their education and learning style. So much changes during this time. But if you seek to learn about anything now, let it be Mercury. Ages 14 - 21 - Venus. This is when creative personality expression and social interactions can flourish, and first loves of all kinds can really bloom. Through understanding their Venus by sign, ruler, house and aspects you can be a solid support for their talents and gifts, and a comfort during young relationship experiences. This is a bitter sweet time as our babies start moving out into the world more to experience and evaluate what they are most drawn to, good at and desire. But if you want to love them through all the challenges of childhood adolescence, make Venus your companion. OK. Want to learn more in community or one-on-one? Come join my Conscious Parenting with Astrology group on Facebook or consider getting a reading to better understand the lay of the land for your journey and gain priceless insight for optimizing your approach to parenting. I would love to work with you and share what I've learned. [Check Out Reading Options Here]
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