We all get to enjoy the beautiful dance between the Sun and the Moon each month.
In Astrology, the Moon reflects our inner consciousness and feelings, as well as, our sense of home, safety, well being and sense of belonging. It also represents the 'people' or collective in mundane Astrology. And the Sun reveals our outer consciousness, self-expression and the life force that guides us. As the Moon moves around the Zodiac touching every other heavenly body over the course of the month, she carries awareness and insight from one to the other to inform our Sun and guide us on our evolutionary journey. This is a very special celestial cycle and a powerful guide for how we can consciously navigate life here on Earth, both as individuals and as a human community. And when these two have their meetups within close proximity to the Moon's Nodes, which are North and South points in the sky where the Sun's path on the ecliptic crosses the Moon's orbital path, we have an eclipse. These create significant turning points in both our personal and collective journeys. And based on the sign of the Nodes we can get a feel for what kinds of personal and collective shifts may be in store for us. This is because this Nodal axis is associated in Astrology with destiny and our karmic path or calling. Your unique karmic path can be seen in your Natal chart symbolized by a set of horseshoe glyphs sitting in direct opposition to one another. Eclipses come in clusters and the Lunar Nodes move backward changing signs every year and half or so. The Lunar Nodes have been in Cancer (North) and Capricorn (South) since the summer of 2018. And on May 5th they shifted into Gemini (North) and Sagittarius (South). So we get our first eclipse in this new series with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 Sagittarius on June 5th, giving us a glimpse into the areas of interest we will be navigating over the next year and a half. Things like our education, life philosophies, beliefs, faith, justice systems, approach to citizenship, community, and personal and global relationships. Then we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 0 Cancer on June 20th and a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 13 Capricorn on July 5th. These other two will be completing the Cancer-Capricorn series, where the focus has been on home and work life balance, while dealing with larger issues around family, security, safety, power and authority. That certainly feels pretty on point looking back, yes? So in a nutshell, this summer brings us a major last opportunity to take responsibility for the state of our lives, learn our lessons from past mistakes or inaction, course correct, let go of what's finished and set our sights on the future with a more mature, accountable and caring perspective that can truly lead us in a better direction. Every planet is pretty much already where it will be for most of this eclipse cycle, within a few degrees, except for the Sun and Moon. The Sun will complete its passage through Gemini after the first eclipse and enter Cancer at the Summer Solstice for the other two. And the Moon will be moving around to check in, nurture, and challenge each planet, and therefore each of us, to feel into, recognize and answer some key questions as we transition into our next phase of growth. Questions such as:
Now let's look at where each planet will be active for this eclipse cycle and some ways the Sun and Moon can provide guidance and care to support us along the way. Mercury is in Cancer for all three eclipses, and retrograde during the last two. Mercury influences the mind, mentality and communication. Cancer is the Moon's home sign. So this placement supports being able to find the words that can comfort and soothe any tough situation that arises. With conscious awareness of the views, feelings and positions of others we can get along better and even learn from each other. While retrograde you may be recalling what you learned early on from your parents, family, roots or heritage that have guided your thoughts throughout your life and now need to be reviewed or redefined to better suit who you have become. Venus is in Gemini for all three eclipses, and retrograde for the first two, direct for the third. Venus influences our choices, values, relationships, and finances. Gemini is a Mercury sign, so once again the way we communicate and our choice of words or focus are in question. The Moon opposite Venus and the Sun for the June 5th eclipse expands our exploration of what's most important in our daily lives and relationships, and what we need to still learn to make good choices going forward. And for the Cancer- Capricorn eclipses the Moon will trine Saturn Rx, testing how we feel about our decisions and chosen direction to ensure we are aligned in heart and mind for the path ahead. Mars is in Pisces for the first two eclipses and in his home sign of Aries for the 3rd eclipse in July. This is where he stays for the remainder of 2020 given his retrograde coming this Fall. This guy will be causing all kinds of trouble for the second half of the year so heed the warning now to save yourself later. Mars is the planet of war, aggression, high energy, and impulsive action. He's not comfortable in Pisces naturally since water typically puts out fire. But we can also think of a pot of water on a stove boiling that, if not watched, can overflow or evaporate completely, burn the pot and potentially start a house fire. The Sun and Moon create a t-square with Mars for the June 5th Eclipse, so emotions run high and it's hard to see through the upset to act reasonably in many cases. But it will be important to protest and pioneer with reason and find healthy outlets for our anger or frustrations, because once Mars shifts into his home sign of Aries he is ready to fight for sure to get what he wants. And we will be too. Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn are all traveling retrograde for all three eclipses. Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius for the first two and stepping back into Capricorn for the third in July. Pluto forces a confrontation with harsh realities to breakdown false senses of control, power plays and fears, for the purpose of rebirth and true transformation so growth can happen. Jupiter is the faithful, hopeful, blessing barer and great teacher that expands awareness through experience and study so truth can be discovered and greater life philosophies established. And Saturn brings life challenges for the purpose of overcoming fears and limitations to build a strong work ethic, sense responsibility and commitment to what we came to master in this life. This confluence of energy this year is what has revealed and forced the breakdown of systems, structures, beliefs and trust in authorities for the purpose of learning to own our own power, be our own authority and work to rewrite the rules and regulations so more people can freely thrive. What has been established over time is no longer serving the collective in positive ways, so we as individuals have to all take responsibility for the past and choose to redirect our future together. This eclipse season is a key turning point for initiating this shift. It won't be easy, quick or comfortable for anyone, but it does promise better days ahead if we do our part as members of the collective community and stand up for the changes required now. Finally, Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces are the other outer transpersonal planets that move more slowly and affect us all. They will be in these signs for years and therefore influencing the road ahead for the longer haul. Uranus is the great awakener and this comes with a major shake up to the status quo. Traveling through Taurus influences our budgets, finances, relationships and changing approaches to the things we value and need to sustain us in living a good life. We already see the disruption to the economy, jobs, healthcare systems and food sources happening. We will have to start redesigning and reinventing the way we live in order to maintain a life worth living. And it starts by making good on the promises, commitments and oaths of service we made together as people and a society. Neptune is the planet that dissolves all boundaries, inspires universal love and reminds us that we are all connected on a cellular and Soul level. So as long as we face the truth of our circumstances and don't try to escape our civic duties, the new systems we build together and how we choose to provide service to others, will in turn help us improve each of our individual lives. The overall message here is that we are living through a profound rebirthing of what it means to be part of the human family. History is catching up with us and we are each being called to step up and be a part of the solutions that can carry us forward toward a wiser world worthy of our pride and one that can bring everyone more peace, love, health and happiness. I feel like the recent motto of, "safer at home" as we navigate this global pandemic also points to what we are being called to contemplate so we can make the necessary changes to prosper again. This quarantined existence we've had to live in to avoid catching a potentially deadly virus has not only allowed us to appreciate our lives, homes and families more, it has also revealed the places, people and things we most enjoy experiencing out in the world. And we recognize the potential threat of losing many of them. So if the Moon represents our personal sense of home, well being and belonging, and also represents the same on a collective level as communities, states, countries, and the world; why can we not seem to wake up and start treating each other with more compassion and kindness, and work together to nurture our collective family as much as we do our own? This is my prayer for the 2020 Eclipse Season. Please Universe, God, Source, and my fellow human beings, here my prayer and let it be.
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