Mars entered his home sign of Aries at the end of June and will be traveling here for the rest of the year and into 2021. Mars in Aries alone can give life a boost of energy, motivation and drive to make things happen and passionately pursue our most desired personal goals.
However, it can also ignite all kinds of frustrations, fights and fires in our lives too. And we can’t forget a couple of very important key things that come with this year's particular transit. First, Mars will go retrograde here this year which is what will extend the amount of time in the sign and also put a damper on the energy for 2 and a half months between September and November. Those of you with Fire sign Sun's or Mars in a Fire sign in your Natal chart will particularly find this annoying. Sorry, and I totally empathize. I have Mars in Aries. Second, and probably more instigating, is that Mars will square Saturn and Pluto 5 times throughout its' transit. This will no doubt create some nasty challenges, attitudes, arguments and upset that will be no fun to deal with at all. However, squares are the energies that push us to move, change and grow. Sometimes whether we want to or not. And ultimately after the dust settles and the fires are put out, all that was fought for and achieved is usually worth it. Naturally, because of all the uncertainty around this Corona virus pandemic, we are all feeling totally frustrated with all the limitations being put on us, not to mention being at the mercy of constant misinformation and a lack of strong leadership to guide us. So we are essentially, and sadly, feeling very much on our own. And although this may feel like a precarious or scary place to be for many, it is also forcing us to step up into our own authority, power, truth and purpose, which ultimately will be what serves us best and gets us where we want to go most. Mars in Aries lives by the impulse of the moment, is reactive and aggressive by nature. So when we get worked up or set off under this energy it's tough to back down from a fight. And in my opinion, the best defense, especially during these intense and conflicting energies ahead of us, is a good offense. The best thing we can do to avoid major conflict is to stop ourselves when we see it coming, feel it building, or as quickly as possible when it occurs, and assess before proceeding. I call in my "Check yourself before you wreck yourself" motto. And based on the circumstances and need in those moments where I feel particularly inflamed or even the ones where I feel stuck, I choose from the following options to help myself through.
And once you are calm again, here are a few good questions to ask and return to often for insight and direction.
And astrologically, here are a few key things you can do as well:
Forewarned is forearmed. And this is one of the most useful things Astrology offers me. It gives me a chance to get my head wrapped around any potential rough patches or times of trouble that may be on the way. I can then look to what understanding I can gain about its potential influence on my own nativity and life. And finally I can consider what tools or resources can be called in to help me more consciously navigate these times, if or when they do arrive and manifest for me. So as you make your way through Mars in Aries this year, I hope these intro teachings and tips can offer the same for you. Nurture the Nature - For your well Being! Feel free to reach out via email or social media with any questions. And if you're interested in a consultation, check out my Readings page to learn more about me, how I work and purchase one that fits your needs.
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