I never stop learning. And I love that.
I’m an 8th house Aquarius Sun, Mercury and North Node. And I am obsessed with learning all the 8th house has to offer. The mysteries of life and all things that deepen my understanding of myself and the human experience. I have studied endless schools of thought, faiths, religions, and systems of divination. And after it all I landed on Astrology as my main tool for regular insight to help me navigate the journey and help others do the same. It really seemed to pull it all together for me early on and constantly provides useful and tangible guidance. But I am always a perpetual student, curious and love learning about other systems and things. Recently I had a client come to me that does Human Design readings. We hit it off, have become great friends, and she is now teaching me about my HD chart as I teach her about her Astrology chart. It’s been a blast, and is even evolving into some creative and fun collaborations. (stay tuned on that) But what I want to share with you here is something I learned about myself through Human Design that enlivened and liberated this Aquarius girl even more. I learned that my “Authority” in my Human Design, the area of my body that runs my expression if you will, like a motor, is my “Sacral”. This is low in the body and the area that is also ruled by the 8th house of life, death, sex and transformation. And in HD the best way to tap into this authority is to ask yourself, or even better have someone else ask you, yes or no questions and answer from this place. And the key is to answer with sound rather than words. Like "Uh-huh" for yes and "uh-uh" for no. And a great thing to remember is, if it isn’t a hell yes, it’s a no! I’ve always understood and been a big advocate of trusting what my gut is telling me. And I always encourage my clients to do the same. We all have intuition. We might just have different ways of tapping into it. But now with this new knowledge, I know for me it's good to drop in a little lower and feel into my sacral space for asking and answering important questions. This might work for you too! Try it! And as we head into this Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipse season and approach the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Air sign Aquarius on Dec. 21st, I feel this will become even more of a priceless tool in my life. It can support me in how I make choices for what I truly want or don’t and learn more about how to express myself more fully and authentically. This eclipse season and conjunction will be a significant time and the beginning of a new 20 year cycle where we all will be learning more quickly, expanding our ideas and beliefs for improved living, and discovering ways to innovate, work and progress life forward in more fulfilling ways. Human Design is a system that combines many other systems. Astrology is one of the foundational ones and will always be my main love and resource. I’ve always felt that know the basics and having even a beginning understanding of your Astrology chart can make significant differences in your personal growth journey and how you navigate your life. Now I see that the same is true for my new self-exploration tool of Human Design. I am forever changed based on even the beginnings of my understanding of my Human Design chart. And learning about my Authority was profound. I’m so grateful for my new friend Tara Kinden, her knowledge, teaching and support. And if you’re curious about your Human Design chart and want to explore another way Astrology is used, I highly recommend a reading with her. Learn more about her at www.TaraKinden.com Nurturing Astrology - For your well Being!
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