I take a live and learn approach to astrology. I do my best to pay attention to the transits and planetary cycles to manage life as consciously and successfully as I can. And most importantly to avoid unnecessary issues, mishaps or major mistakes as much as possible.
And although I have tested them in the past, I particularly try to follow the basic rules of Mercury Retrograde. Beyond the usual reviewing processes, I try not to sign major contracts or make large purchases. But this year I broke the rules and tested the theories. In my excitement of finally after many years of eliminating other debt and dreaming of buying a travel trailer so my husband, son and I could level up our camping trips, we made the mistake of making the purchase under the Mercury Retrograde earlier this year. What happen after that? Besides a couple of small issues that sent the trailer back for service, we entered a pandemic and a national shut down! Major travel delay! No camping for us! Mercury was retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius through my 9th house of travel, and making nice aspects to my chart I might add. Mercury was even making a positive trine aspect to the North Node on my ascendant. It felt pretty destined in the moment. And even though it was a dream come true that would take us on lots of fun short trips (Mercury) eventually, the delay was extensive and much longer than anticipated (Jupiter ruled 9th house). For the record, I did think twice about it, and my husband was willing to wait. He's come to trust me about these things. But I just couldn't wait, so this was all on me. In my defense, it wasn’t a ‘new idea’ or something that we just randomly decided in the moment under a retrograde, which is real no no. So I figured that there could be some possible minor issues still, which there were, but ultimately we'd be okay. And who knows if buying it when we did, even with the delay in being able to use it, actually was the best thing since camping is now becoming an even more popular vacation option under these social distancing times. These things are selling like hot cakes now! Who knows. But either way, I will certainly note this experience and in the future think even more than twice before deciding to break the rules. And looking back, I really should have known better because anytime I have ever broken a rule in my life, I have gotten caught or paid a price. Nevertheless, now after four months we are finally going on our first camping trip! Yay! And yet, we are now under another Mercury Retrograde. This time in Cancer. So as we finally head out with our new home-away-from-hone on wheels, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. So I'm taking all precautions and double and triple checking everything before we leave. It's all we really can do. We hope to do more trips this summer, but at the very least, our last trip for the year is already booked for November. And guess what happens in November? Yep, you guessed it. Mercury Retrograde! So clearly the story is being written of our journey with our new little travel trailer, who we have named Jenny by the way. My husband and I laugh about it and I imagine will continue to any time there’s a hiccup in our plans or an issue with her. And ironically, or not, the model we have is called R-Pod. The cute name now holds a much more symbolic meaning for us. See, live and learn! And then you gotta just roll with it. So off we go. We are super excited and I can’t wait to get out into nature and under the stars. Wish us luck! I hope this fun little share shows a good example of how mistakes under Mercury Retrograde can happen and maybe offer some reason and good humor, so you can roll with it, or reconsider, the next time you want to test the rules of this funny little trickster planet your yourself. ReplyForward
Live and Learn Astrology