This Aries Full Moon brings a choice between Me or Us. Independence is great and being free to do as we please when we please is great. But nobody really wins if it comes at the expense of an important relationship or damages the rights for others to do the same.
Libra season places the focus on the heart of what it means to be democratic. It isn’t about being selfish, it’s about thinking beyond yourself to include others for the purpose of everyone winning or at least having a chance to win. So with the Moon Full in Aries at this critical time in our world it’s important to think about what independence, freedom, fairness, equality, and justice means and looks like for each of us, and the role we want to play in our relationships, families and world. There is always room for healthy competition and teams are a part of the game of life, but when the rules are not the same for all players there is no possibility of anyone ever really winning with true honor. The ruler of this lunar phase is Mars, the planet who loves to compete and win, and being retrograde in his home sign of Aries he is out of control and rowdier than usual. And he will not hesitate to play dirty to push his agenda. But a square from Mars to Saturn, now direct in Capricorn, will start calling for accountability and expose the unfair hidden strategies more and more. So if you haven’t been honest or playing fair in your life, it’s a good time to lay your cards on the table, make good on your promises as part of the deal you made or make your true voice and desires heard. Mars also makes a sextile to the North Node in Gemini which gives us a chance to think twice before acting and even maybe learn something that can actually help get you where we want to go AND give someone else the freedom to go their own way too. This could be what is mutually decided to be best for both parties. And the most positive thing that sticks out to me about this Full Moon is a Grand Fire Trine between Mars in Aries, Venus in Leo and the North Node in Sagittarius. This energy can fuel all kinds of passions and missions that can expand our vision for a better future and provide the energy, confidence and encouragement to go after it, full force. So acting from the heart, with kindness and integrity, and for the purpose of making honest progress that benefits more than just yourself will give us each a fighting chance to live the free and fair lives we all want most. Heartfelt, considerate, individual action can equal more freedom to pursue what you want. So let's seek common ground and play fair, so we can all consider ourselves true winners! Nurture the Nature - for your well Being!
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