"We all know the saying, "Happy wife, happy life" right? Well I'd add "Happy couples, happy kids."
The way we navigate, negotiate, compromise and communicate with our partner will be the most important example we set for our children in how to relate with others, learn emotional intelligence and build healthy, lasting relationships of their own. Venus/Taurus/Libra themes are big influences we model every day to our children, especially when they are young and developing their own understanding of personal value, worth and connection. So Taurus season is the perfect time to focus on growth in our marriage and parenting partnerships. My marriage is one of the things I’m most proud of providing for my son’s development. And I can confidently say that having our astrology in my back pocket has been greatly beneficial to our success. It’s not perfect by any means, but our efforts have allowed us to show him our humanity, our strengths and our weaknesses and how we can support and love each other through any challenge that arises with self awareness, compassion, respect and understanding for the other. And this is the beautiful way astrology can support all couples and every relationship. I told my Cancer Sun husband when we got together and had our son that maintaining a healthy marriage was a top priority because we would be the main example of what that is for him. I, like many, was a child of divorced parents. And even though looking back as an adult I would not have wanted my parents to stay together if they weren’t happy, the reality is it still affected how I felt about relationships and marriage for a long time. Until I found astrology and began my self-discovery journey. This new perspective and understanding of myself and my parents helped me separate, and integrate, my experience from their story so I was free to write my own story. Once I did that, I was liberated and became more whole as an individual. Divinely, after that is when I met my husband. Now with over 12 years vested in our marriage, and almost 16 together, our relationship and family is where I feel the most accomplished, fulfilled and happy in my life. This why Nurturing Astrology has become foundational in my conscious parenting and family focused work. But I am a manifestation of my own astrology. As a Cancer rising, Libra, the other Venus ruled sign of relationship, falls in my 4th house of home and belonging. This is where my Moon also resides. So naturally creating harmony in my partnership and family is imperative for me to feel my best. And my Aquarius Sun, along with Mercury & North Node in the 8th house, reveals why Astrology, ruled by Aquarius, is the tool of choice for guiding me on my own path of personal growth and inspiring me to teach what I learn along the way to help others. I also have Venus in Pisces on the MC (10th House). The higher expression of Pisces here is about taking and leading others down a spiritual path with compassion, and kindness toward wholeness and harmony within and out in the world. It also calls in the opposite energy of Virgo and daily service. I've come to see and feel how this validates my desire to serve other women, wives and mothers with the wisdom gained through my own experience as well as my need to maintain my own happy, healthy marriage and family life. Parenting is not an easy job. In fact, it's one of the toughest. And it's even more challenging to do alone or unhappy. I have compassion and appreciation for how my mother did it and mad respect for all the mothers who do it everyday on their own. But whether we're married, partnered or co-parenting, cultivating compassionate, healthy, mutually respectful relationships can make all the difference in the future relationships for our kids. No that's a worthy incentive if you ask me. So as you move through Taurus times maybe consider some of these questions to discover how you can better share and balance the load of life with your partner and co-parent.
And here are some places in the chart you can look to discover more about how to best nurture all your relationships.
It can be a lot to integrate all this in the astrology chart for everyone so start with you first. As I teach in my Nurturing Astrology Method, 'Know Thy Self' is Step #1 and the step to always come back to first when navigating any challenging situation. Learning about the astrology of our parents, partners and children can provide priceless awareness and guidance on how to manage differences and nurture our relationships. Just always remember that making our own personal growth and awareness a top priority will always make us better for the ones we love. Astrology is the one area where being Selfish can really pay off. YOU MIGHT ALSO ENJOY or BENEFIT FROM: The Benefits of Astrology for Relationships Building Lasting Love "We Go Together" - Partnership Synastry Session Nurture the Nature - for your well Being! Dominique
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